Titles and Certificates:
“CAC / Reserve CAC”
Only the Open Class, Intermediate and Special Open Racing or Lure Coursing (Working Class) will take part in the CAC Competition (Certificate for the German Sightound Club Champion – DWZRV)
Certificates for the titles “DWZRV and VDH Junior Champion”
(Certificates may be obtained by a dog in Junior Class if awarded first price of excellent; a reserve certificate can be obtained by a dog in Junior Class if placed second and awarded the qualification excellent)
Certificates for the titles “DWZRV and VDH Veteran Champion”
(Certificates may be obtained by a dog in Veteran Class if awarded first price of excellent; a reserve certificate can be obtained by a dog in Veteran Class if placed second.
VDH Champion Certificate Reserve VDH Champion Certificate
Above certificates may be awarded at the winners (first and scecond price with qualification excellent) in Intermediate Class,
Open Class, Special Open Racing or Lure Coursing (Working Class) and in Champion Class (Certificate for the German Kennel Club Champion – VDH).
Titles on Saturday:
“Winner Donaueschingen 2024” / Junior- & Veteran – Winner Donaueschingen 2024
The best adult female and male will be eligible to obtain this title (out of the CC-Winnerand the Winner of Championclass).
The best junior female and junior male (having obtained exc. 1) will be titled Junior Winner Donaueschingen 2024
The best veteran female and veteran mal will be titled Veteran Winner Donaueschingen 2024
for Best Juniors, CAC Winners, Junior BOB, BOB, Best Couple, Best Breeder Group, Best Veteran, Puppy Best in Show, Junior Best in Show, Best in Show
Anbei können Sie die Vergabebedinungen der deutschen Schönheits-Championnate herunterladen (Deutscher Champion Klub / DWZRV & Deutscher Champion VDH).
Only dogs registrated in a stud book or register recognized by the FCI are admitted to the show, if they have completed the minimum age of six months on the day of the show. The pedigree of the registered dogs, the working certifi cate for working dogs as well as the proof of championship titles must accompany the entry form. No double entries admitted. Entry fees have to be payed once an entry has been made.
Veterinary conditions/rabies vaccination:
The dogs being brought to an event (show) must have proof to show they have been vaccinated against rabies at least three weeks before the start of the show (bring vaccination documents/ EU pet pass). The rabies vaccination is valid for 12 months from the day of the vaccination. If a longer period is to be made valid, then this extended period must be noted offi cially in the vaccination documents or in the pet pass in the fi eld marked “valid untilâ€. If a dog receives a re-vaccination against rabies within the validity period, then the so-called 3 week deadline no longer applies.
The organizer cannot be claimed responsible for non reception of entry forms or missed admission in the show catalogue. The show giving Club, the agents and organizers assume no responsibity if the show cannot take place for any cause beyond the control of club or persons responsible, or for any loss, damage or injury sustained by exhibitors, handlers, or to any of their dogs or property.
The club may change the judges list if necessary. A judge has full discretionary power and his decision is fi nal in all cases affecting the merits of the dogs. The show is confi rmed by the VDH and by the responsible authority in the DWZRV. Please make sure to have your dogs’ pedigree available upon request. The show rules have to be acknowledged and followed by all exhibitors. Double entries are not permitted.