Karin Juto Hedberg - Sweden - " Kashmanis" Salukischrift ein
I live in the Stockholm area in Sweden, together with my husband Jonny Hedberg.
I was licensed to judge at international championship show level by the FCI and the Swedish Kennel Club in 2002, starting with Salukis, followed by Shelties and Whippets. In 2009 I was appointed Group judge for Group 10 + the “Mediterranean” Group 5 breeds. By now I also judge an additional number of breeds in FCI Groups 1, 5 and 9. I have had the honour of judging in many countries and continents, at breed specialties and at national and international championship level, in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Italy, USA, Australia, and Canada.
I have served on the board of various committees in the “dog world”. For instance, I was the Secretary of the Swedish Saluki Club and Vice Chairman of the Swedish Sighthound Club’s General Committee. I was a founder member and treasurer on the board of the Swedish Azawakh Club. For 11 years I served at the Breed Standards Committee of the Swedish Kennel Club and learned a lot about all kinds of breeds. At present I’m a member of the board of the Swedish Kennel Club Canine Academy, which is responsible for the Kennel Club Museum of Art and its Library.
I have always loved dogs. I still do! My first dog at home was a silver coloured Toy Poodle bitch born in 1961. My first Sighthound was a Saluki, born in 1971. Our second Saluki was born in 1973. She was my foundation bitch and mother of my first Saluki litter born in 1977. My most recent Saluki litter was born in April, 2018. I have also owned and enjoyed a Whippet. Except for showing, most of our Sighthounds have also liked lure coursing, since its early beginning in Sweden in the 1970’s. Since 1995 I have also owned and bred a few litters of British show type of Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties).
You may know my husband Jonny Hedberg as a judge at the lure coursing fields, or from his position in writing rules and regulations for coursing and racing as a member (since 2002) of CdL, the FCI Commission for Sighthound Racing and Coursing. He has also been the Chairman of the Swedish Saluki Club (celebrating its 50th anniversary this year) during three different periods, the most recent one now. A total number of 15 years. Our four children are now grown up, and we are retired from work, enabling us to spend even more time than before on our passion for Sighthounds.
At present I have three Salukis and one Sheltie at home, all bitches. (There was a time when I had five Salukis, three Shelties and the Whippet…)
I am very much looking forward to judging in Donaueschingen in 2019 – a fantastic Sighthound Festival that I have heard so many nice things about!
Evelyn Kirsch - Germany - "Ischyma" Borzoi
My husband Frank and my 4 Borzois and I live in Pattensen near Hannover.
It was in my childhood that my enthusiasm for Borzois began. But it was’nt till after my marriage that our first Borzoi came to live with us in 1991. Shortly after that I became a member oft he DWZRV and started enjoying shows at home and abroad.
In 1997 we started the magazine ‚‘European Borzoi – The Borzoi in Europe‘ that is still published as a yearbook. By working on this magazine I was able to make and establish many contacts and friendships at home and abroad. We travelled to different countries and took part in important shows and then reported on them, and did the same when weh ad visited interesting breeders and their kennels. It really is my passion to work for and with the Borzoi in ordert o preserve our breed in its aristocratic form and with its diversity of type.
The first Borzoi litter in my kennel ‘Ischyma‘ was born in 1998. Since then there have been 32 litters. Borsois fromm y kennel are internationally successful, and have won different championships, groups and BIS. Many of our Borzois are also in the top field of the ranking lists in different countries. I am glad that Ischyma Borzois have influence on breeding internationally.
I have been a judge for Borzoi and Greyhounds since 2016. I enjoyed my first judging appointments very much. It was a special pleasure to judge the junior, puppy and baby classes at the Borzoi Annual Show.
I am very happy to have the honour of judging in Donaueschingen in 2019.
Dr. Francis McEvoy - Australia - "Tirowen" Irish Wolfhounds
Aaron Todd Miller - USA - "of Jomyr" Whippets
Purebred dogs has become a lifestyle and a passion for me. 21 years ago, I purchased my first companion dog, a whippet named Mitchell. He later became known as Sel Ch. Summit Court and Spark SC, FCh. Mitchell and I quickly realized that we were meant to do more than hang out at home or enjoy the afternoons at the local dog park. Rather, we jumped head over heels into the sport competing in conformation, lure coursing and obedience. The following year I brought home a beautiful puppy. Unbeknownst to me, he would become the patriarch of our dynasty breeding program known as the Whippets of Jomyr! Dino was an instant star, winning seven Specialty Best in Puppy Sweepstakes undefeated and his accomplishments are best seen in his name, MBIF NSel Am DC/Can Ch. Summit Autumn Gabardine Martin, LCM, CD, CAV, ROM! His spirit lives on through 6 generations of top winning whippets, including six generations of Specialty Best In Show Winners!
My small hobby breeding program has garnered over 40 champions including BIS, MSBIS, MBIF, Multiple National Award of Merits, an AWC Top Twenty Winning bitch and winners of the National Stud Dog, Brood Bitch and Extended Brood Bitch classes. This journey also led me to serve in leadership roles with the American Whippet Club to include Triathlon Chair, The Daily Whippet creator and editor, National Rainbow Bridge table creator and currently serving as the AWC Top Twenty Chairman.
As a dual-purpose and preservation breeder, I have found it essential to stay active in the performance events where I am currently approved to judge all-breed ASFA and AKC lure coursing events, having judged the AWC National lure trial of 175!I am and always will be an avid apprentice of the dog sport as I have gained AKC approval to judge 26 breeds in conformation and hope to be approved for the Hound group, shortly.
During my spare time, I am a Family Physician and Medical Director of a hospital-based rural health practice for the award-winning Pike County Memorial Hospital in Louisiana, Missouri. I reside in this small but charming river town with my ever so dedicated and patient partner, Todd Bennett and our family of dogs at Jomyr.
Gael Morison - South Afrika - "Atlantis" Afghan Hounds
My parents bred and exhibited Rough Collies . I had a typical “doggy” childhood and was fascinated by one of the first Afghans imported to South Africa . My fate was sealed and I purchased my first Afghan in 1973 . Our “Atlantis” prefix was registered with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa in 1976 . Shetland Sheepdogs joined our kennel in 1994 . We have enjoyed steady success with these two beautiful breeds .
I achieved KUSA All Breed status in 1994 and have had the honour and pleasure of judging in many countries around the world . I am a member of the KUSA Judges Education Council and serve on various other committees . Exhibiting our Afghans & Shelties , stewarding and judging make up a demanding but rewarding hobby and way of life .
D. Scott Pfeil - USA - "Wynsyr" Afghan Hounds and Salukis
I have been involved in the sport of purebred dogs since I was 14 years old (over 30 years). I started with Bernese Mountain Dogs and Newfoundlands. My love of Hounds started at age 16 when I went to a dog show and watched hound judging. I will never forget that day. The hound breeds took my breath away and I knew I had to have one, finally deciding on an Afghan Hound.
Since 1992 I have been breeding under the kennel prefix Wynsyr , registered. We have bred, owned, and handled well over 100 champions, including multiple Best in Show winners, 10 Specialty Best in Show winners, and countless group winners. Wynsyr is pound to have won nearly 50 specialty best in shows! I have been honored to have bred and owned the #1 afghan in the US in 2008, and the #1 Bitch in 2009. I also campaigned the all-time top specialty winning import from Australia. In 2016 I showed the top winning saluki in breed competition, and we were top saluki breeders in 2015. We have been fortunate to collaborate with many top breeders around the world, including multiple kennels in Australia, Sweden, Canada, and the United States. These collaborations have allowed Wynsyr to develop the world-renowned pedigrees we are known for today.
I began judging in 2004. Since that time, I have had the pleasure of judging many prestigious shows around the world. I currently judge the Hound group and am working on both the Working and Toy groups. I currently reside in Wauconda, Illinois, northwest of Chicago. Our Kennel sits on 3 acres and has a lot of room for our hounds to do what they enjoy most: run!
I have had the privilege of being president, show chair, and member of many local and national clubs. I am currently President of the Chicagoland Hound Association, on the Board of Directors of the Afghan Hound Club of America, and Vice President of Chain O’Lakes Kennel Club. I also still work fulltime as the Senior Director of Procurement for a major Education company.
I can’t begin to tell you what an honor it is to be asked to judge at the Donaueschingen Sighthound Festival. As many that know me will tell you, I take judging very seriously. I respect not only the beauty of the hounds but also the importance of the work they do in the field and prioritize functionality, soundness, and proper type in my judging.
Jon Titus Steele - USA - Auroral Borzoi
For over 30 years, Jon Titus Steele along with his wife Jenni have bred Borzoi under the Auroral prefix. They have bred over 30 American & Canadian champions, including several owner-handled BIS show, Top-Ten, MBISS, Group,Specialty, and Westminster winners. In 2007, Borzoi bred and owned by Auroral have retired the Carol Ann Stell challenge trophy, Insight Trophy, Dr. Charles Connelly trophy, Stepplands trophy and the Rogbori Trophy. Jon was nominated for ”Owner Handler of the Year” for ”Dogs in Review” magazine, and both Jon & Jenni have been awarded both the Service and Breeder awards from the Midwest Borzoi Club (MBC). The current generation of Borzoi are now 5th generation of Best in Specialty winners. For over a decade, Jon has been the Borzoi Columnist for the AKC Gazette. He has also served as board member and President of the Midwest Borzoi Club, Regional Govenor and AKC Delagate for the Borzoi Club of America (BCOA). Jon is also a founding member of the Michigan Hound Association. Jon is approved to judge the hound group, papillons, juniors, and Best in Show. Some of the highlights of his judging are the Borzoi Club of America National, the Otterhound Club of America National, the Afghan Club of America Top Twenty, and the Basenji Club of America Top 20. Jon’s judging assignments have taken him to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and Sweden.
Roger Stock - Great Britain - Courthill Whippets
Roger Stock is well known in the sighthound scene. As early as 1972 he was able to take his Whippet bitch Courthill Dondelayo Tiara to British Championship, a successful combination of old, hardly related Shalfleet lines and the Dondelayo blood lines. After a rather longer absence he successfully came back to the show ring in 1993 with the bitch Courthill Crown of Gold, a direct Tiara offspring, and lead her to championship. Since then he has been one oft he most successful Whippet breeders, won Best Puppy at Cruft‘s with Courthill Cover Story, finished several English and International championships and won BOB, BIG3 at Cruft’s 2009 with GB Ch Courthill Cast A Shadow. She won 22 CCs and 20 BOBs, was Top Whippet in 2007, 2008 and 2009 as well as BIS Houndshow 2009. Roger Stock has also been co-owner/co-breeder of several Sloughis in Britain. Apart from Whippets he has judged Greyhounds, Sloughis and Ibizan Hounds worldwide.
Gabriel Valdez - Brazilia - "Da Vinci"s" Italian Greyhounds
Mr. Gabriel Valdez is a Federation Cynologique International All Breed Judge from the Brazilian Kennel Club. He is available to judge FCI, American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club, Japanese Kennel Club conformation shows. His AKC Judge’s number is # 5954.
Mr. Valdez has been involved with dogs and dogs shows for most of his life. His first breed was Rough Collies which he bred, exhibited and championed as a child in the 70’s. Later he established his Da Vinci’s Kennels which became famous for Toys and Sighthounds.
Under this name Mr. Valdez has bred and owned many Best In Show Whippets, Greyhounds, Azawakhs, Dachshunds, Toy Poodles and World Famous Italian Greyhounds. Mr. Valdez has shown his Da Vinci’s Kennel Dogs in many countries having obtained seventy Championship Titles.
Other breeds Mr. Valdez has owned and campaigned include Basset Hounds, Filas Brasileiros, Borzois,. Salukis, Japanese Chins. Yorkies, Papillons, Border Collies and Australian Shepherds. He was a Professional Handler for over thirty years and has shown multiple Best In Show winners and Top All Breed Dogs in Colombia.
He has been invited to judge on five continents and has been honored to judge many Specialty shows in many breeds as well as All Breed shows. He has judged several times in Scandinavia countries and United States at Beverly Hills KC. Encinos KC. Long Beach KC.,Eukanuba Championship ,Shenandoah Valley KC and Skyline KC.
Mr. Valdez continues to be active in exhibiting and breeding his own dogs. He considers that being a judge is not only a great honor but a great responsibility as well. He is also very grateful to all the Kennel Clubs that have invited him to judge and trusted in his knowledge and ability to judge fairly and confidently.
Mr. Valdez also enjoy very much Antiques in special porcelains, Ballet Classic and exotic birds.