Surprises for 2024

Dear friends of the Sighthound Festival, making your planning easier, we inform you today about some special features for the next year.
In 2024 we will celebrate the 30th anniversary in Donaueschingen; so there we will have an additional – non-registrable – anniversary title for the show on Sunday (August 11th) (also for youth/veteran classes).
The next news will be interesting for sports enthusiasts.
For the first time, the Dual Winner competition can be influenced by your own decision.
The International Coursing, which is part of the Dual Winner, will take place on the weekend 30/31th March 2024 in Hoope; the race takes place on April 14th, 2024 in Oberhausen.
You are free to choose the competition with coursing or race (alternatively, you take part in both sporting events and the better result counts).

Where else it is possible to win so many titles at one weekend?

Winner (youth/veteran) Donaueschingen 2024
Dual Winner Donaueschingen 2024

Winner (Youth/Veteran) Annual Show 2024 of the Mediterranean Breeds

FCI Euro Sighthound 2024 (youth/veteran)

Anniversary winner 30 years Sighthund Festival (youth/veteran)

Detailed tenders and further details will follow.

We wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.

Your Team Donaueschingen